Dan Brenton was born and raised outside the city of Boston, Massachusetts. He spent much of his childhood playing outside in the streets of his quiet neighborhood or along the beaches of Cape Ann. Dan graduated from Salem State University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts with a concentration in printmaking. Years after college Dan ventured across the country from Massachusetts to Oregon to Southern California on his bicycle over the course of 7 months. Once he returned Dan began painting with a head full of inspiration from his interaction with nature and the unknown.
My art is a byproduct of being alive, a colorful, compelling offshoot of my own experiences, similar to the way moss and mushrooms grow on a log on the forest floor, decomposing and turning to soil. Whether I paint from imagination, or photos, or life itself, everything I create contains trace amounts of my affinity for storytelling, encountering the spiritual in nature, how we develop meaning, and interactions with the unknown. Each image I make is an attempt to dig into the dirt to deepen my connection to the world around me.